complex modulus




  1. For this purpose it is discussed how the activation energy affects complex modulus changing with temperature and frequency.
  2. Developing of Measuring System for Submarine Coverer's Complex Elastic Modulus
  3. And SBS modification can effectively improve dynamic mechanical moduli and decrease phase angle at high temperatures, as well as reduce complex modulus and increase phase angle at low temperatures.
  4. Results showed that by adding said complex modifier the high temperature complex modulus increased, the temperature susceptibility and the high temperature performance of the modified asphalt improved.
  5. The modulus of elasticity and the loss factor the complex modulus parameters of viscoelastic damping material, are identified according to the free decrement vibration of the clamped& free beam in this paper.
  6. In this paper, we describe the frequency-dependent property of viscoelastic materials using complex modulus model, and based on NASTRAN, iterative modal strain energy method and iterative complex eigenvalue method are presented to solve the frequency and loss factor of sandwich structures.
  7. However, for marble rock with different grains, the relation between the dynamic modulus and the average modulus is much complex although the dynamic modulus is larger than the deformation modulus.
  8. The complex modulus model that is convenient to integrate with SFEM in frequency domain is used to represent the frequency-dependent property of core viscoelastic materials. The response of sandwich beams in time domain is obtained using fast Fourier transform techniques.
  9. The complex modulus and three viscoelastic parameters of standard linear model of solid are obtained by measuring the response, phase retardation at a point on beam vibrating at resonant frequency.
  10. An improved nonlinear VKS model of Elastomeric Lag Damper Based on its complex modulus
  11. Discussion on Transformation Formulas Between Complex Compliance and Creep Compliance, Complex Modulus and Relaxation Modulus in Linear Viscoelasticity
  12. Any homogeneous viscoelastic medium subjected to one-dimensional tension and compression can be characterized in terms of the phase velocity c ( w) and the attenuation coefficient deduce the complex modulus and the other equivalent viscoelastic functions.
  13. Experimental Study on Dynamic Stretch Complex Modulus of Surface Material of Elasto Metal Plastic Bearing
  14. Beginning with an analysis of the microstructure of textile fibres, it has been found that the dynamic mechanical properties of textile materials and the relation between the complex modulus of elasticity and frequency can be described better by the linear mechanical model.
  15. An Exploration of the Solution Method of the Most Value of Complex Modulus
  16. Introducing the complex visco-elastic modulus, visco-elastic wave equation has the similar form with elastic wave equation for harmonic wave motion, in case of linear visco-elastic.
  17. The Thrombelastograph ( TEG) is the continuous recording of the stress during dynamic process of blood coagulation and also reflects the variation of the absolute value of complex elasticity modulus.
  18. An improved nonlinear VKS model of an elastomeric lag damper based on complex modulus is presented in order to predict its nonlinear characteristics with respect to dynamic amplitude undergoing single and dual frequency excitations.
  19. The results showed that the heat-build up and tg δ of NR vulcanized by complex vulcanizing agent were lower than those of sulfur vulcanizing NR, the fatigue life and complex Young ′ s modulus of complex vulcanizing agent vulcanizing NR were higher.
  20. In this paper 1D P-wave characteristics are discussed when complex modulus is introduced into Biot equation.
  21. Measurement of Complex Modulus and Parameters of Viscoelastic Materials by Means of Vibrating Beam
  22. Calculation of the complex modulus of the former is based on the theory of elasticity.
  23. Authors built the correlation model between complex stability index and stiffness modulus, and proved the rationality of complex stability index.
  24. The amounts of SBS and stabilizer had great effect on the dynamic mechanical properties of SBS modified asphalt. The complex modulus of modified binders increased with the increase of amounts of SBS and stabilizer, and tan δ trend to be low and unchange at high temperature.
  25. In this work, the melt strength and viscoelasticity of four types of PET was analyzed through characterization of shear rheology and extensional rheology of PETs, including the dynamic complex viscosity, storage and loss modulus, relaxation spectrum, and extensional viscosity.
  26. The concentration of AES has a little effect on the apparent of welan/ AES complex solution, the dynamic modulus increased slightly, and the elasticity is the dominant property.
  27. Based on strain equivalence hypothesis, complex modulus was used to define the damage variable when two different damage interact.
  28. With the increase content of HGB content, the complex viscosity, storage modulus and loss modulus of HGB/ TPU system were gradually increased, and the loss tangent was gradually reduced.
  29. In this analysis, the damping loss factor is introduced by complex elastic modulus, and the crack growth is analyzed by employing a Paris equation, and the coupling effect of vibration and crack growth is considered by vibration analysis and fatigue crack growth calculation cycle by cycle.
  30. The complex viscosity, storage modulus and loss modulus of copolymer were systematically studied by rotary rheometer.